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Social media education and information provided by an NSO should:

  • Bring the sport’s policies to life in an engaging way – highlight expected standards for social media use within your NSO, highlight best practices and provide reminders about accessing support for issues (e.g. eSafety Office resources)
  • Be easily accessible on your website, newsletters, handbooks, etc.
  • Be documented, so that a record is maintained of athletes, coaches and staff who have received education including the topics, updates to topics or content and dates completed. This education should be considered as part of new team member/athlete induction programs and reviewed at least biannually.
  • Include the following:
    • Clarity on the sport’s policies and rules, as well as the behaviours expected when using social media
    • Education on how to:
      • Comply with the NSO’s Social Media Guidelines/Policies
      • Effectively manage the use of social media generally
      • Utilise social media to enhance your career
      • Clarify your values and portray an authentic identity online
      • Understand your limits of what you are comfortable to share/not to share
      • Report and manage incidents of cyber bullying and image-based abuse
      • Manage trolls.
      • Get additional help and support, if required.

AIS social media education resources

It is recommended that NSOs educate athletes, coaches and HP staff in relation to the organisation’s social media policies and procedures, guidelines and resources. The below resources and programs are available from the AIS to eligible NSOs.

Athlete Wellbeing Toolkit – Resilient & Agile Athletes

The Athlete Wellbeing Toolkits provide athletes with practical, evidence-based tools to improve their wellbeing and personal capacity.

The Athlete Wellbeing Toolkits provide athletes with practical, evidence-based tools to improve their wellbeing and personal capacity.

Athlete Wellbeing Toolkit – Emotionally Agile

The Athlete Wellbeing Toolkits provide athletes with practical, evidence-based tools to improve their wellbeing and personal capacity.

The Athlete Wellbeing Toolkits provide athletes with practical, evidence-based tools to improve their wellbeing and personal capacity.

LinkedIn Training

The Athlete Wellbeing Toolkits provide athletes with practical, evidence-based tools to improve their wellbeing and personal capacity.

Programs available in the personal brand program and the career and education resources.

Managing your news and social media consumption during COVID 19

The Athlete Wellbeing Toolkits provide athletes with practical, evidence-based tools to improve their wellbeing and personal capacity.

A one-page resource, produced by the AIS, that provides athletes with some tips to manage their news and social media consumption, while staying informed and connected.

Communication for Leadership

The Athlete Wellbeing Toolkits provide athletes with practical, evidence-based tools to improve their wellbeing and personal capacity.

A program to develop effective communication skills for public speaking and media interviews.

Digital Wellbeing [including online trolling and cyber abuse module]

The Athlete Wellbeing Toolkits provide athletes with practical, evidence-based tools to improve their wellbeing and personal capacity.

Designed to help athletes understand the purpose and impact of their online presence, as well as develop positive habits with their online interaction and activity.

GROW – Resilience

The Athlete Wellbeing Toolkits provide athletes with practical, evidence-based tools to improve their wellbeing and personal capacity.

Supports athletes to build resilience through a variety of personal skills and reflection activities.

GROW – Wellness

The Athlete Wellbeing Toolkits provide athletes with practical, evidence-based tools to improve their wellbeing and personal capacity.

Understand the value of self-care strategies and how to effectively use their personal support network to promote wellbeing.


The Athlete Wellbeing Toolkits provide athletes with practical, evidence-based tools to improve their wellbeing and personal capacity.

Understand what personal brand is and how they can use this to achieve their goals and work towards their greater purpose.


The Athlete Wellbeing Toolkits provide athletes with practical, evidence-based tools to improve their wellbeing and personal capacity.

Identify elements of their personal brand, including how to write a personal statement that communicates their brand in a meaningful and purposeful way.


The Athlete Wellbeing Toolkits provide athletes with practical, evidence-based tools to improve their wellbeing and personal capacity.

Learn how to create purposeful content across a range of platforms, including social media.


The Athlete Wellbeing Toolkits provide athletes with practical, evidence-based tools to improve their wellbeing and personal capacity.

Athletes learn how to leverage their brand to recognise potential commercial partnerships opportunities.

For more information about any of the above resources and/or registration advice, contact your AW&E National Manager who can liaise directly with the AIS Athlete Wellbeing team.

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