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Benefits and risks of using supplements and sports foods

Group A

Evidence level:
Strong scientific evidence for use in specific situations in sport using evidence-based protocols.
Use within Supplement Programs:
Permitted for use by identified athletes according to best practice protocols.

The list in this group is identified as “examples” to note and may not be complete.

Sports foods

Specialised products used to provide a convenient source of nutrients when it is impractical to consume everyday foods.

Mixed macronutrient supplement

(bar, powder, liquid meal)

Medical supplements

Supplements used to prevent or treat clinical issues including diagnosed nutrient deficiencies. Should be used within a larger plan under the expert guidance of a Medical Practitioner/Accredited Sports Dietitian.

Performance supplements

Supplements/ingredients that can support or enhance sports performance. Best used with an individualised and event-specific protocol, with the expert guidance of an Accredited Sports Dietitian.

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