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Strategy, Policies and Frameworks

National Quality Standards Scheme

Providing leadership and support to champion quality and best practice in high performance sport in Australia

National Quality Assurance Steering Committee

The NQSS is supported by the National Quality Assurance Steering Committee (NQA).

The purpose of the NQA is to provide leadership and guidance to the NQSS, and to represent the organisations and technical disciplines of the Australian High Performance Sport System.

Dr Mark Osborne Senior Performance Scientist, Paddle Australia
Nicole Townsend Quality Assurance Lead, Australian Institute of Sport
Dr Emma Beckman Para Sport High Performance Manager, Queensland Academy of Sport and Paralympics Australia
Clare Minahan Associate Professor, Griffith University
Hedda Giorgi Quality Assurance and Technical Officer, Queensland Academy of Sport
Daniel Cottam Biomechanist, Australian Institute of Sport
Katie Slattery Senior Lecturer, University Technology Sydney
Aimee Morabito DXA/RMR coordinator, Australian Institute of Sport
Simon Rushby Athletic Performance Coach, ACT Academy of Sport
Andrew Lyttle Biomechanics National Network Lead, Australian Institute of Sport
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