A critical incident can have an enormous impact on the individuals involved and the sport more broadly. Knowing what to do when a critical incident happens is a key part of creating a high performance culture that best supports athletes, coaches and staff.
The AIS has developed a Critical Incident Management Framework. The Framework includes operational plans and interactive workshops that are designed as a comprehensive program tailored to each National Sporting Organisation (NSO). The Framework outlines those systems, processes, and responsibilities that guide planning and response of a critical incident, as well as the support plans and training that provide the practical application.
Registration Details
The AIS Critical Incident Management Framework and associated training workshops are at no cost to the NSO, any associated travel, meals and incidental costs are at the expense of the NSO.
To be eligible for Critical Incident Framework, you must be a HP funded NSO.
Please note: It is compulsory to participate in the associated workshops outlined below.
Critical Incident Management Workshop
Receive a copy of the Critical Incident Management Framework and attend the Critical Incident Management Workshop (full day).
This training session is tailored specifically to your sport.
The training includes:
- Safety and security briefing and preparation planning from the Australian Federal Police
- You can download a copy of the AIS and AFP Pre Security Checklist here
- Familiarisation training on the Framework and Management Plan
- Simulated critical incident management exercises.
Communications Training Workshop
Receive a copy of the Critical Incident Communications Plan template and attend the Communications Training Workshop (3 hours).
The Plan includes assessment tools, strategy templates, action plans and checklists, and includes pre-written key messages for a range of potential incidents.
The supporting workshop explores the implementation of the plan.
To be eligible for Critical Incident Framework, you must be a HP funded NSO.
Optional Training
For sports seeking further development, the AIS can also provide optional training in the following areas.
Media Training
This hands-on media training will assist the NSO’s spokespeople to the next level of preparedness. It will stretch NSO senior executives and nominated spokespeople beyond their existing experience, using realistic crisis scenarios they could potentially face in the future (2 hours).
First Responder Training
Critical incidents can often be traumatic experiences and it is common to cause emotional reactions. If sports want to be able to manage these incidents effectively, it’s important that we have the psychological skills at individual, team and organisational levels to remain grounded and responsive (3 hours).
For further information
Please contact Kelly Lean, Leadership & Professionalism Consultant, kelly.lean@ausport.gov.au.