26 June 2020
The Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) is delighted to announce it has extended its pre-existing partnership with Nestlé Australia for another 12 months.

The agreement will see the AIS continue to work with Nestlé Australia on a number of projects including the long running Nestle for Healthier Kids School Program.
The program, developed in 2001, aims to improve nutrition and health knowledge and promote physical activity among school children. The program is designed by teachers for teachers and includes worksheets, lesson plans, videos, recipes and games. You can download lesson plans and other resources here.
“Nestlé’s affiliation with the AIS is one of the strongest partnerships in our history,” Nestlé Corporate Programs & Sponsorship Manager, Rashna Shroff said.
“Nestlé has worked with the AIS over the years on product development, research and brand marketing communications. However, the most successful venture together has been the Nestlé for Healthier Kids School Program.
“Combining Nestlé’s knowledge of health and nutrition with the AIS’s focus on high performance sport, we have created a program that will help to change the state of health of our next generation. Through the AIS, we aim to inspire kids with athletes, leading to an enjoyment and encouragement of physical activity.”
Ambassadors joining the Nestlé for Healthier Kids School Program this year include rower, 2016 Olympic silver medallist and teacher Cameron Girdlestone and Hockeyroo Edwina Bone. Ambassadors will use their social media platforms, to create content and encourage children to eat well and be active.
Cameron said he was thrilled to be chosen as an ambassador for the Nestlé for Healthier Kids School Program.
“As an athlete and teacher, I am passionate about helping young kids understand the value of looking after their health. I can't wait to get started.”
Edwina Bone added, “I wanted to be part of the Nestlé for Healthier Kids School Program as I feel that it is important to be able to pass on the knowledge that I've been given throughout my career to kids who can then benefit from a healthy lifestyle, whether it's fuelling for playing sport or mental stimulus for achieving academic success.
“It is also great for teachers as it's easy-to-follow lesson plans and worksheets are structured well and accessible for a range of ages.”