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HP 2032+ Strategy 'a great win' as Leadership Group meets post Paris

03 October 2024

Australia’s High Performance 2032+ Sport Strategy (HP 2032+ Strategy) Leadership Group has met in Canberra, as the first measure point – the end of Horizon 1 – fast approaches.

HP Strategy Leadership Group Meeting at the AIS
Australia’s High Performance 2032+ Sport Strategy Leadership Group at the Australian Institute of Sport in Canberra.

The Leadership Group includes representatives from the 51 sports and organisations that signed up to the strategy and has played a critical role in ensuring its successful implementation of the strategy during Horizon 1, which began in December 2022 and ends later this year.

The group, chaired by Australian Sports Commission EGM of AIS Performance Matti Clements, met to monitor progress on the more than 60 Horizon 1 projects, as well as report on the impact of the strategy’s vision to win well at the 2024 Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Leadership Group member and Victorian Institute of Sport CEO Anne Marie Harrison said the session has been particularly beneficial for forward planning.

“It’s been great for everyone to reconvene post Paris and not only review the Games themselves but the impact of the HP 2032+ Strategy and where we need to go next,” Harrison said.

“We’ve got a lot of things underway that are now coming to conclusion, and I think they will set up the foundations for the next two horizons.

“The vision to win well has been a great win for all of us. It’s still on the pathway to being understood and delivered but I saw enough evidence from athletes responding to their performances during the Games that reflected a change in the system.”

Three-time Paralympian Chad Perris, one of the athlete representatives in the Leadership Group, believes the most significant impact can been seen in the athlete wellbeing space.

“The athlete wellbeing support has been one of the biggest things that I’ve noticed in the last two years, that has really made a massive difference across a lot of sports,” Perris said.

“Further implementation of the strategy, both for Paralympic and able body sports, is incredibly important and as athletes we’re probably not going to see it much, but we will see the system be a lot smoother around us and able to support us a lot better.”

The Leadership Group will meet one final time in Horizon 1, joining athletes, coaches and staff from across the high performance sport system at the Win Well Forum in November.

Held at the AIS in Canberra, the Win Well Forum will reflect on the achievements of Horizon 1, celebrate the successes of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, and start the work for Horizon 2.

For more information about the Win Well Forum contact

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