31 July 2023
The Australian Sports Commission (ASC) and the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) have joined over 100 organisations from around the world to form a global alliance to promote physical activity.
The 139 medical and scientific organisations, together with sport and government organisations, have come together to sign the Hamburg Declaration.
This represents an international commitment to take all necessary actions to increase physical activity and improve the health of individuals and entire communities.
The Hamburg Declaration aligns with the ASC’s strategic goal to involve more Australians with sport all levels and the key focus area of advocating for sport and its positive influence on Australia.
AIS Chief Medical Officer Dr David Hughes, who contributed as an author, has welcomed the alliance.
“This global collaboration highlighting the benefits of physical activity, not just as a healthy lifestyle habit, but as a proven medical intervention in a host of non-communicable diseases,” Dr Hughes said.
“We are proud of the work we do at the ASC and the AIS and the Hamburg Declaration is a global extension of this.
"If we can successfully increase the level of physical activity in the Australian community, we will improve quality of life measures, particularly related to physical and mental health, while also having a significant economic impact.”
The Global Alliance was renewed during the Sports, Medicine and Health Summit which was held in Hamburg, Germany last month.
It has the support of major bodies such as the International Olympic Committee and the World Health Organisation.
The full Declaration can be read via the BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine Journal