19 March 2020
A letter from the AIS Athlete Advisory Committee
Dear athletes,
For the immediate future, our normal way of life must adjust to unprecedented circumstances.
None of us are immune to the impacts of COVID-19.
In sport we train to be strong, we train to be agile and we train to overcome hurdles. We do this as individuals and as teams. This crisis requires a similar mindset and we believe that with time, all of us will be able to dig deep and overcome the challenge.
We know this because we train to remain calm under pressure and to keep our focus, no matter the distraction.
We know this because we have the best medical professionals available to help keep us healthy and safe and we must trust their knowledge and expertise.
Let’s stay informed and be alert to the changing situation but not allow it to overwhelm us.
We are putting the call out to fellow athletes, coaches, teams and support staff to make wellbeing and mental health your number one priority, focus on the road ahead, continue to excel at what you do best and control what can be controlled.
We are a big, diverse community. When we face defeat or setbacks in competition or in training, we turn to each other and our loved ones, and we lift each other up.
Australian athletes are some of the greatest in the world and we are known not just for our physical talent but for our ability to look at a challenge and know how to overcome it – the famous Aussie grit.
Keep training, stay well, stay connected to each other, keep safe and keep lifting each other up.
AIS Athlete Advisory Committee

For mental health and wellbeing, talk to your Wellbeing Manager, connect with the AIS Wellbeing team or contact the Mental Health Referral Network on +61 2 6214 1130 (Monday - Friday 9am-5pm AET)
For regular advice and updates regarding COVID-19 and how it may affect your sport, check the AIS website