Breast protection statement
The use of breast protective equipment is becoming more common in female contact sport. At present, very limited research has been conducted on contact breast injuries in female athletes. Because of FPHI’s principle of sharing and promoting evidence-based information to support female athletes, we do not specifically endorse the use of breast protective equipment at this stage. It is hoped that there will be more evidence around breast protective equipment in female athletes involved in contact or combat sports in the near future. This extra research and information will increase our understanding of contact breast injuries and whether or not protective equipment does indeed reduce the incidence and severity of breast injury.
Breast health and bra fit
The following resources are from Breast Research Australia an initiative from the University of Wollongong.
Sports Bra app
The “Sports Bra” web-based app containing evidence-based information to help choose a well-fitted, supportive sports bra.
This app helps female athletes ensure that their next sports bra is the right size, is supportive and comfortable.
The app allows users to save information such as age range, bra size and details of the bra. Users who choose to save this information, consent to it being used for research purposes. All information is anonymous and no personal details will be accessed or saved.
Exercise and breast support
“Exercise & breast support” a simple guide to understanding breast support during physical activity and how to determine correct bra fit – developed in partnership with Sports Medicine Australia