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Two new priority projects identified

Developing Australia’s High Performance 2032+ Sport Strategy provides the opportunity for those working in HP sport to collaborate, explore new possibilities and create a new legacy for Australian sport.

We’ve now reached the first ‘horizon’ of developing the strategy and on completion two priority projects have been identified for the AIS to lead which include:

  • HP Planning, Monitoring and Review Process – aims to unite our system to optimise resources, reduce duplication and ensure we are providing the right support at the right time to NSOs.
  • Investing in athletes to Win Well – aims to determine the right level and nature of support provided directly to athletes to optimise performance both in sport and in life.

HP System Planning, Monitoring and Review Process

The process aims to unite those working in the HP system and help sports achieve sustainable success through maximising resources and reducing duplication. The process will adhere to the following principles:

  • Robust planning allowing for informed decision making
  • Roles and responsibilities are clear, understood and respected by the AIS, SIS/SAS and NSOs
  • All stakeholders work to the agreed cycle timeframes and understand the expectations of their role
  • The planning, review and monitoring process drives activity within the NIN, not the activity of the NIN driving the activity of NSOs.

Following extensive consultation with NSO High Performance Directors, NIN Directors and NIN senior staff, the AIS has led the development of the HP System Planning Monitoring and Review Process to be implemented before the LA 2028 cycle. The concept of the process can be viewed here.

The next phase of the project is to develop and refine resources to support and guide NSOs through all elements of the HP System Planning, Monitoring and Review process.

Resources need to be fit for purpose and align with the principles agreed by the system. Such elements include (but are not limited to), annual and end of cycle review processes, pinnacle event campaign planning as well as debriefing and national athlete categorisation framework development and implementation.

While the target is full implementation for the LA 2028 cycle, we will commence trialling some elements as soon as October, specifically the annual check-in. Acting AIS Director Matti Clements will ask all AIS supported NSOs to arrange an annual check-in meeting to share their successes and challenges over the past 12 months and discuss the strategic priorities for the coming year.

If you have any questions please contact for more information.

Investing in Athletes to Win Well

It’s no secret that being a successful high-performance athlete creates a full-time workload.  Many HP athletes struggle to balance the requirements of training and competition with work and/or study. This pressure can compromise their performance and wellbeing.

The AIS is establishing a cross-system working group to review the current level of athlete investment across the HP system which includes both financial and non-financial support. These insights will help inform the Australia’s High Performance 2032+ Sport Strategy in relation to the Athlete Performance Pathway stream through testing several hypotheses and assessing feasibility of potential delivery options that aspire to:

  • Provide a system-based solution
  • Help Australian athletes dedicate more time to their sport
  • Relieve financial strain on athletes and support their wellbeing
  • Ensure athletes are not significantly disadvantaged financially and receive support that is at least consistent with their international competitors
  • Ensure investments meet the needs of NSOs and athletes

The AIS will be in touch in October to see who’s interested in contributing to the project through sharing lived experiences of what has worked well and what needs improvement.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the project lead Lucy Fitzpatrick via

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