A range of actionable toolkits, guides, and pilot initiatives have been developed by the WiHPC Project in collaboration with sports and individuals. These will continue to be refined and adapted as necessary.

This toolkit provides examples of how organisations can uncover their hidden talent pools and target individuals; proactively re-engage; and support part time opportunities.

An archetype workshop has been developed to assist organisations deepen their understanding of culture, attitudes, and behaviours faced by coaches.

Igniting and building networks and communities to support women coaches, whether this is through a formal Community of Practice (CoP) or an informal network or Social Learning Space can provide significant support and create a sense of belonging for women working within the high performance sporting landscape.

This toolkit offers guidance and resources for organizations, clubs, and individuals to support women coaches, based on the program's model.

This toolkit aims to support parental leave by offering a parental leave framework, templates and communication strategies that will enable smooth transitions for coaches and reduce legal and reputational risks for organisations.

HP coaches face extended national and international travel, including monthly trips, European season commitments, or over 6 months away yearly. Resources offer travel support and family facilitation examples.
Coming soon

This road map has been designed to guide organisations in taking the ‘first step’. It will help them identify and prioritise actions to improve the organisational culture and environment for Women in High Performance Coaching.
Coming soon

The toolkit includes essential links, resources, templates, a sample interview process, questions, and practical strategies for every stage of the recruitment journey.
Additional Resources
WiHPC Initiatives

Building, Scaling and Sustaining allyship in High Performance Sport.
The ultimate goals of allyship are to enhance the representation, experiences, development, career progression, and retention of women coaches within the Australian HP sporting landscape.
Reframing ‘allyship’ as ‘belonging’ may be a possible way to encourage the forming of an ‘in group’, that is larger and more diverse, not just in terms of gender but other areas, and not just in coaching but across the entire sporting system.

Workforce Capability framework
Investment into the customisation of the Workforce Capability Framework for quality female High Performance coach development
This includes the identification of transferable skills and strengthening the coaching talent pool.

The Women’s Talent Development Framework
Establish and sustain a Women’s Talent Development Framework led by the AIS in alignment with the Workforce Capability Framework.
Outcomes include:
- Targeted, individualised skill development and learning pathways,
- Enhanced networks, mentorships,
- Capacity building.

A National Network of Coach Development Facilitators for women coaches
Establish and sustain a National Network of Coach Development Facilitators led by the AIS to enhance development and ongoing support of women coaches.
Outcomes include:
- Capacity building across NSO workforce,
- Enhanced, practical learning environments,
- Transferable skills development.

Career support services - Pilot
Delivery of a bespoke support program that includes the AIS career support services, mentorship, bespoke learning plans and communities of practice to aid women coaches navigate transitions within High Performance Pathways.
This pilot (2024-25) for 11 women coaches, aims to impact upon the Leaky Pipeline transitions, detours and roadblocks.

Building, Scaling and Sustaining allyship in High Performance Sport.
The ultimate goals of allyship are to enhance the representation, experiences, development, career progression, and retention of women coaches within the Australian HP sporting landscape.
Reframing ‘allyship’ as ‘belonging’ may be a possible way to encourage the forming of an ‘in group’, that is larger and more diverse, not just in terms of gender but other areas, and not just in coaching but across the entire sporting system.
Recruitment Resources
Understanding the recruitment journey
The recruitment process is a journey, with distinct stages offering unique opportunities and challenges for women coach candidates. Knowing this, we can tailor effective initiatives, help secure suitable positions for candidates and encourage talented women coaches to stay engaged, for future attempts.
Refer to the Recruitment Toolkit.
Parental leave resources
Refer to the Parental Leave Toolkit.
Here are some useful resources for organisations, clubs and individuals to enhance the recruitment processes.