Extensive engagement across the sector over a two year period has led to comprehensive reports and an action plan. These can be accessed using the links below.
WiHPC Project: our next steps
Future considerations
The WiHPC Project team is dedicated to enhancing resources and support for women coaches in high performance. This involves continuous evaluation, collaboration with researchers, aligning efforts with ASC priorities for maximum impact, and expanding engagement to drive significant change.
Stay informed about our latest developments and achievements by visiting our website regularly.

Engagement October 2021 – October 2023: Key insights

Engagement process
Extensive sector-wide engagement has shaped our recommendations, initiatives, and resources. These interactions have played a pivotal role in building momentum, fostering connections, and sharing valuable stories and resources. The graphics below share the story of our journey over the last two years.

The following literature searches have supported the work of the Women in High Performance Coaching Team over the last two years. They are a snapshot in time and were created to better understand some insights and themes that arose throughout this time.
We will update and add to some of these insights over the coming 12 months.
For further information on gender equity refer to Women in Sport - Equity