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Workforce Development

Athlete Accelerate Program

Supporting female athletes who are pursuing career options in sport.

Terms and conditions

If the Australian Sports Commission (referred to in these terms and conditions as the ‘Australian Institute of Sport’) decides to offer the applicant the opportunity to attend the Athlete Accelerate Program, the offer (Offer) will be made subject to these terms and conditions.

  1. These terms and conditions, together with the notification from the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) providing details of the Offer (Successful Email), will constitute an enforceable agreement between the AIS and the successful applicant (Recipient) upon the Recipient accepting the Offer, as required by the Successful Email.
  2. The Recipient agrees to attend all components of the Athlete Accelerate Program as detailed in their Successful Email (Activity).
  3. The Recipient declares and warrants, at the date of agreeing to these terms and conditions, that she has not at any time been found to have breached any anti-doping rule or policy applicable to the Recipient and has not engaged at any time in any conduct that constituted a breach of any anti-doping rule or policy applicable to the Recipient.
  4. The AIS seeks to maximise the benefit of its Athlete Accelerate Program to women in high performance sport. Failure by the Recipient to complete the Activity, without the prior agreement of the AIS, may negatively impact on any future application for support that the Recipient makes to the AIS.
  5. The personal details of Recipients (including name, home state, sport, and any photo or video footage of them produced in connection with the Athlete Accelerate Program) may be released by the AIS to the public and the media for the use of promotional and educational purposes.
  6. The Recipient must, if requested by the AIS, cooperate with the AIS in relation to reasonable publicity initiatives regarding the Athlete Accelerate Program.
  7. The AIS may terminate this agreement by notice in writing, in the event that: the Recipient fails to comply with any of its terms, or that the AIS, at its discretion, deems it inappropriate that the Recipient attend the Athlete Accelerate Program.
  8. The AIS reserves the right to cancel, suspend, postpone, or vary the nature of the Athlete Accelerate Program at any time and for any reason. The AIS will not be liable to any person for any loss, damage or claim arising from the Athlete Accelerate Program or such variation, cancellation, suspension, or postponement.
  9. This agreement is governed by the law of the Australian Capital Territory.
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