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AIS Athlete Education Scholarship

Program recipients and outcomes

Supporting Australian High Performance athletes in their pursuit of study and educational experiences

Program recipients and outcomes

The AIS Education Scholarship program is an initiative designed to ease the financial burden on athletes who are undergoing education to prepare for life beyond sport.


Further information

If you have any questions regarding the Athlete Education Scholarship program, please email

Inaugural program outcomes

The 2022 program has given:
41 scholarships worth $105k

Delivered to:
27 females and 14 males

Delivered across:
19 sports and 19 tertiary institutes


Further information

If you have any questions regarding the Athlete Education Scholarship program, please email

Inaugural program outcomes

The 2021 program has given:
37 scholarships worth almost $109k

Delivered to:
22 females and 15 males

Delivered across:
19 sports and 21 tertiary institutes


Further information

If you have any questions regarding the Athlete Education Scholarship program, please email

Inaugural program outcomes

The 2020 program has delivered:
40 scholarships worth $109,000

Delivered to:
24 females and 16 males

Delivered across:
19 Sports and 19 Universities


Athlete name Athlete Sport Study institution
Alexandra Martin-Wallace Cycling University of Queensland
Ben Coombs Rowing Australian National University
Benjamin Twist Bowls Australian College of Physical Education
Brenden Hall Para-swimming Australian Catholic University
Caitlin Parker Boxing La Trobe University
Clare Polkinghorne Football Griffith University
Dylan Littlehales Para-canoe University of Newcastle
Elise Kellond-Knight Football Griffith University
Jack McLoughlin Swimming Queensland University of Technology
Jaime Ryan Sailing Griffith University
James Colley Sailing University New South Wales
Jesse Aungles Para-swimming University of Canberra
Jessyka Ngauamo Beach volleyball James Cook University - Townsville (External)
Jodie Kenny Hockey University of Southern Queensland
Karri Somerville Hockey Curtin University
Katie Hayward Racewalking Griffith University Southport
Kelsey Griffin Basketball La Trobe University
Kyle Adnam Basketball Deakin University
Lakeisha Patterson Para-swimming University of Queensland
Luke Letcher Rowing Australian National University
Madeleine Steere Water polo University of New South Wales
Maeve Plouffe Cycling University of Adelaide
Matt Levy Para-swimming University of Canberra
Michael Auprince Wheelchair Basketball Curtin University
Nathan Pellissier Para-table tennis Deakin University
Nathan Power Water polo University of New South Wales
Nicholas Calvert Squash University of Queensland
Nikita Hains Diving University of Adelaide
Nina Kennedy Athletics University of Notre Dame - Fremantle
Olympia Aldersey Rowing University of Adelaide
Paul Burnett Volleyball University of Adelaide
Phoebe Bell Volleyball University of South Australia
Reba Stewart Taekwondo Australian Catholic University
Rowena Meredith Rowing Australian Catholic University
Ruby Roseman-Gannon Cycling University of Melbourne
Sarah Hawe Rowing University of Melbourne
Sophie Edwards Cycling University Of Adelaide
Sophie McCulloch Surfing University of the Sunshine Coast
Tamieka Whitefield Softball Griffith University
Thomas Calvert Squash University of Queensland

"Last year I received the honour of being voted the Olympic and Paralympic People's Choice Swimmer of the Year. This was in no small part due to my passion for sharing what I learn in my studies with my team".

Jesse Aungles Para swimming

"Showing dedication and diligence towards balancing life and sport inspires others to strive for greatness as well".

Jessyka Ngauamo Volleyball Australia.

"This gives me many options post football to continue with another career"

Clare Polkinghorne Polkinghorne, Australian Matildas Football representative
Clare Polkinghorne celebrates her goal during the Women's Olympic Football Tournament Play-Off match between the Australian Matildas and Vietnam, March 2020.

Further information

If you have any questions regarding the Athlete Education Scholarship program, please email

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